Monday, July 26, 2010

Bible in 90 days Summer Recap

It has been such a blessing reading through the Bible in 90 days. We are on day 22 already and should be in 2 Samuel. I must admit, I am behind, but I keep reading a few extra pages everyday. I highly encourage everyone to join in on this challenge. (Click HERE to see more info)

As I read through Joshua chapter 14, I was touched to my heart to learn more about how Caleb waited for God´s promise. He wasn´t the one who disobeyed or complained at Moses, yet he too had to endure 45 years of wandering in the wilderness before he could finally follow God´s command. He could have gotten so bitter. He could have even gotten depressed in all that time, but we find him in chapter 14 storming his mountain, taking it in God´s name! He totally destroyed all the inhabitants of that mountain at 85 years of age!His faithfulness, and patience is a great example for when we are asked to wait. Then asked to wait some more. What is often our response? May my response be like that of Caleb´s. May I wait patiently and be found faithful in the end.

Here is one word or phrase for each of the chapters of Joshua:
1. Joshua
2. Rahab
3. Crossing Jordan
4. Memorial
5. Second
6.Jericho destroyed
7. Achan´s sin
8. ambush
9. Tricked
10. Sun still
11. Destroyed
12. Kings
13. Inheritance
14. Caleb´s Mountain
15. Borders
16. Not driven
17. Daughters
18. Shiloh
19. Lots of land divided
20. cities of refuge
22. alter of witness
23. Cleave
24. Joshua´s death

How is your summer going? First write me a quick comment and then head on over to the KJV blog to check out some of our summer camp ministry pictures.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely blog you have! I just got your note on the homeschool lounge and decided to pop over to your blog! I would love to have you on Facebook as well. Praying for your ministry, and may God Bless you!,


Love to hear encouraging comments that uplift Christ and boost our daily walk with Him! Thanks for taking the time to comment! I read everyone of them and try to always respond at your blog, too.