Friday, February 5, 2010

Before We All Spread Out

I would go home to NY for Christmas. This is the Christmas break my Freshman year of College, 1993. I thought I knew everything! But one thing I probably didn´t know, was this would be one of the last Christmas´ together.

My Mom and Dad had to move. I got married. My Grandparents have recently gone home to be with the Lord, and we hardly ever go back to NY. My Aunt and Uncles are the only ones left up there. Those were the days!

My Grandparents are the ones who are in the best place, though!

Do you have sweet memories of your extended family all being together?
Post some of your Flashbacks with us at Friday Photo Flashback.


  1. That is such a great memory. I always make sure to have my camera at any family gathering now just to capture those moments we may not see again. Great flashback ~ ♥

  2. Aww! I can imagine how much you treasure this photo!! And you're right your grandparents are in the best place!!!

  3. What great memories this photo must bring you! Thanks for sharing. So often we don't know when something is going to be "the last". We just need to treasure every moment.

  4. What a beautiful picture...♥with a great sentimental...♥

  5. Love family get togethers - great memories..

    Love to you

  6. I keep wondering each year that my family is able to get together... "is this the last"? With everyone growing up, getting married, moving away... and my grandma with alzheimers... it's hard to think that each time we are all able to get together, it may be the last time with everyone who is there. It makes me appreciate the moments even more!
    Glad you were able to get a snapshot of your last family holiday! And you're right... your grandparents are in the BEST place!

  7. So excited to finally get a Friday Photo Flashback posted!

    It is such a blessing to have these family photos from the past! It really helps me to remember some events or get-togethers that may not have been so easy to recall...

    I agree...home with the Lord is the best place to be :o) Both of my hubby's parents and my mom have since gone to be with the Lord too. Makes photos and videos of family times shared, all the more sweeter! I love to look back on those times.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  8. My cousin, who I haven't seen in more than twenty years until this fall, and I were talking of this very thing this Christmas. How wonderful the huge family holidays were. How much we miss them. Nice flashback, Dani Joy.

  9. Oh what a great memory! It's amazing how fast life changes. We never realize it at the moment. But I am thankful for those moments that we can look back and remember family. Thanks for sharing yours with us.

    Take care my friend!
    Hope you have a great week!


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