Today Fitness Friday and the Christmas Crunch Challenge go hand in hand! If you still have not signed up, there is time. Just contact me with your email by Sunday. We may have some late comers and that´s ok, but I would love to have everyone working toward their goals the first week. (click on the button to learn more)
I thought I might post some things to consider before starting a fitness journey or a fitness challenge. Not all of these have to be done all at once. It´s a growing process.
1. Pray - Even before you make the commitment, it should be a prayer in your heart that the Lord would help you meet your goals. That your goals would be His goals, as well.
2. Set a goal - This sounds so basic, but it is so important to have the right goals and priorities. We all know this. We may all start off with the right mind set, to glorify God with every area of our lives, but maybe somewhere along the way we compare ourselves with the "image" I spoke about last week. This then consumes us. We must go back to that goal we had in the beginning.
3. Get a plan - This is where it may vary through your fitness journey. At first, some plans may seem harder than others. Maybe, your body can´t cut back as many calories at first. Or a certain exercise plan is too extensive just yet. We must choose a plan that is right for us. Each individual is different. I can share with you my journey, but ultimately you have to find what works for you.
There are so many diet plans out there, but I believe the key is to cut out unnatural refined sugars first thing! Regardless of the diet you choose this will always be key. Then the second key is exersice. Just get moving 20 minutes more a day. That´s it! Sometimes it just helps to simplify things.
4. Get support - A great support group or even just a friend to help keep you accountable is so essencial. When you have success, you can share. This motivates your friends and those who may be struggling. When you have questions or have fallen off the wagon, your group can rally around you and help encourage you to keep on.
I had a few good accountablilty friends. They were working hard at getting in shape and strong, too. This was a huge push for me. It is also, an added bonus when your husband starts noticing the change in you. He can become your number one "cheerleader"!
Again, let´s keep it all in perspective. None of this is worth anything if our hearts are not right. This has been such a daily objective for me to strive for.
"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure...That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke." So "I press toward the mark for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." For "I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me." Philippians 2:13,15 ; 3:14; 4:13
Journeying with you on the journey of life,
ReplyDeleteI contacted you above, but not sure that it went through.... my email:
Kristy Davis
OK, why don't we try one more time?? Randy sent me an email and it worked. Hopefully you can too! I'm missin out!!! Thanks Danielle. Sorry for all the kinks!