Thursday, October 1, 2009

Drum Roll Please!!!

Announcing an upcoming Blog Auction Fiesta Party!

My friend and fellow missionary has been led to host this awesome fund raiser for missionaries in areas where the dollar has suffered greatly.

hosted by:

This will be a great opportunity to become aware of other mission fields, learn more about your missionaries and give sacrificially what the Lord puts on your heart to give.

I will be participating by donating an article from our area of service, Gijón, Spain. I am so excited to share with you what is happening on the harvest field of Spain. Through out the time I will be doing some specific posts about the ministry and linking to this awesome event!

By participating in the Candle in the Corner event you could win a cultural item from one of the following countries while supporting missionaries and their work in taking the light of Jesus Christ to their corners of the world:

- Spain

- Portugal

- Indonesia

- South Africa

- Honduras

- Russia

- Uganda

- and more!

The list is ever growing!Does it sound great or what?! Here are the details on how it
will work: (over at Moms, Ministry, and More)

~~~The Candle in the Corner event will take place at Moms,
Ministry, and More
from October 27 - November 10.

Please stay tuned for the gifts and more updates.


  1. This is great! I am so excited about this!!!! This is just phenomenal and I am savoring every minute!

  2. Sorry I have been MIA, Dani Joy.

    This sounds awesome. STaying tuned for sure.

    xoxo, Veronica


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