Monday, September 14, 2009

Running Fairly Smooth

School Schedule 09-10

You can zoom in or view it in full screen.
Our school schedule is working out fairly well. The biggest change this year is our Bible time. We use to have Bible time as a class right after we started school but this year we are starting School with family devotions instead of doing them after our big meal of the day. This has been such a huge blessing combining Bible class with our family devotions. It has been two fold. We are fresh and ready for the day and instead of sitting and getting sleepy after our big meal, we can get busy on music practice.

Following this schedule the best we can is going to make things go smooth and help our home sing a little bit cheerier.

I didn´t want to miss out on Making Your Home Sing Monday. We are keeping on. How is your schedule going?

Making your home sing Mondays


  1. O.k,,So I thought I had a schedule!!!
    The only thing I didnt see was bathroom time, LOL,


  2. O.k,,So I thought I had a schedule!!!
    The only thing I didnt see was bathroom time, LOL,


  3. Oh I love how you did that schedule! So cute! Mine isn't near as pretty.

    Schedules are an awesome way to stay on track and can be as structured or loose as the person wants.

    I keep my school hours structured but after school I have blocks of time (like a two hour block of time) and I can fit whatever I want or need to do into that. Of course, dinner times, bedtime or our ministry time is scheduled in there.

    Thanks for joining us today!

  4. Very nice! I usually write my schedules on Sunday! Yours is very pretty!!

  5. First thing I noticed is that we eat at really different times ... lunch around 12 and dinner around 6.

  6. Awesome schedule, Dani!!! I can appreciate a good, planned out one!

    Our school year (only 2nd week) is going great so far! I just pray it stays that way!

  7. Looking good! Now, if we just just keep it up uh? :)

    Once Noelia starts school with normal schedule I intent to start mine :) We´ll see :)

  8. So it took me awhile to figure out how to post, since I cannot read spanish :) But I found out how! Just wanted to say your schedule is impressive, I'm always amazed at those that homeschool. You are certainly one organized and disciplined lady! I hope to one day be such an organized mom myself, even if I don't homeschool :)

  9. Great idea to start with family devotions! It really can put you in sink with one another and the Lord as a family and for each day.

  10. School room looks great, and the schedule looks busy:) I also like to have some sort of schedule and stick to it. Sometimes I get really hard on myself if I fall behind during the day because of random things that come up:(

  11. Wow! You are very organized Dani Joy! I loved reading your detailed schedule. Blessings to you! We have had the flu, so we have had to adjust ours a wee bit this last week!

  12.'ve got it going on!!

    Look at that schedule...It would have taken me weeks to put that thing together!!

    You rock!

  13. I had a lot less time when I was homeschooling two kids and they were younger.

    Now I am down to one and while I am still involved in his schooling, he doesn't need as much help as they do when they're younger.

  14. That is AWESOME!
    A mi me encantan los schedules y mi esposo dice que soy muy firme con ellos! YO tengo OCD entonces tengo que tener un schedule para todo si no me volveria LOCA =)


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