Friday, February 19, 2010

Nightmare Flashback

Friday Photo Flashback

This is my nightmare flashback!

In this flashback, I dream that I will always look like this picture, that I can´t ever get back to the way I was before my pregnancies. Some days, I actually think that I still look this way.   To be honest, I was in denial back then. I did not think I was that heavy. In fact, I didn´t really know I was very unhealthy. I still thought I was athletic and somewhat fit as I had been the majority of my life.

Until one day, I came to grips with the fact that I was overweight, unhealthy and unfit.  I prayed and asked God to help me at the beginning of  last year, and He has!

My story, for His glory, is being posted today on one of my favorite fitness blogs.

In fact, this blog´s author, Sandy, is Fitness Friday Girl. She asked me to do a guest post on how I lost 35 pounds. Thank you , Sandy, for giving me this oportunity to give Glory to God for what He has done in my life.  

Interested on how it happened? Want to see real incredible before and after pictures? You can´t miss it. 
Head on over to God Speaks Today to see for yourself.

Just know you are not alone in your fitness journey.
Let´s encourage one another.


  1. Thanks for sharing this photo Dani Joy. Sometimes it's hard looking back at those days when you were heavier but I want to read your Fitness Friday guest post.

    I normally link up with Sandy for Fitness Friday but lately I've been so consumed with getting ready to move that going through my photos has been easier.

  2. I was there once too. Sometimes I look back at those pictures and I had the same thoughts...I wasn't that overweight. Reality is really different then the thoughts we have in our own mind.

    I am on my way over right now to read just how you did it!

  3. I have come across some past photos of me when I was heavier and I also remember thinking at the time of they were taken, that I didn't seem to feel any different from any other time. Bless you on your diligence with staying fit!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (I'm heading over to Sandy's blog now)

  4. Congrats to you - you're beautiful both before AND after but I know you feel much better and are more healthy now! I'm delusional, too - I look in the mirror and am fine with it and then I see a picture of myself and think, 'WHO is that??' Good for you girl ~ ♥

  5. Dani, wow! What an inspiration!! It's weird when I look at pictures of me before, and back then I thought I was big! I wish I looked like that now! LOL

    My youngest daughter and I have been dancing 30 min. a day! I love it, plus I have a wedding to go to next week..LOL.

  6. Thank you, ladies. I know it´s where we are all at. I actually felt badly for saying it was a nightmare but at the same time wanted to encourage all of us that we can be healthy and fit.

    Big hugs!

    Dani Joy

  7. Hi Dani, I saw your post there earlier today. You've done great!

  8. Thanks for sharing your heart and your story! You might remember, that I was born with a heart valve birth defect, so because of that I have always tried to stay in shape and good health. Then along came the babies and well, you know the rest! After my second child I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, so that kind of put a damper on my excersise routine...but with God's help I am still plugging foward and trying to get back to my ideal weight. Thanks again for the encouragement!
    Heather Leiby

  9. Es muy dificil bajar de peso. Yo he empezado este año. Yo estoy de sobre peso y con un poco de deprecion. Y ese es el gran motivo que yo ya no salgo en fotos. Mi esposo me a motivado bastante y nos pusimos a dieta los dos y este Lunes ya vamos a empezar a ir al gym<--estoy muy feliz por eso. Espero bajar 65 libras en un año y espero lograrlo.
    Tu historia me motiva pues se que si se puede y cuando lo logre estare escribiendo un post como el tuyo...♥
    Que tengas un super fin de semana!!!
    Que Dios te Bendiga Chula!

  10. Heather, I am sorry to hear about your Fibro. It´s so tough, but I have heard that exercise and diet actually helps it somewhat. Is that true? I will be praying for you as you keep on your Fitness Journey.

    Rocio, Me alegro mucho que empezaste tu jornada de fitness!!! You can do it, in God´s strength.

    You can know it won´t always be easy but prayer, determination, and a good support system can help you through.

    Dani Joy


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