Monday, November 2, 2009

Pizza and Football!

Sunday Family football night!

We have a Spanish holiday today. Another great reason to live in Spain; many, many holidays!

So we stayed up late to watch our favorite team play, but as we sat there watching, we weren´t  too chipper. They played terrible!

Making your home sing MondaysThat´s ok though, we got pizza out of the deal, and I made brownies. I actually made 6 batches "from scratch" brownies. WE eat a lot! No, No, they aren´t all for us. Jospeh´s football team requested my brownies for today´s practice. I feel honored, but at the same time nervous I will eat too many of them myself. (don´t want to mess up the Christmas Crunch Challenge I am on)

Hope you all have a wonderful week, making your homes sing in the best way possible.


  1. Oh, I love brownies!! They are my weakness! LOL

  2. sounds like a fun day! Yum...brownies.

  3. How fun to have a holiday. Good for you for not wanting to mess up the challenge! Perhaps you can eat just one!

    Thanks for joining in today.

  4. Brownies, pizza, football and family....a great combination!

  5. I have made three batches over the last two hard to not eat...but now, I am on track to exersize and eat less sweets!! I'll check out your Christmas Crunch!

  6. Hi Dani! I'm not much of a football fan but the brownies sound good!

  7. Oh Girl....I don't know of I could do it....stay away from the brownies, that is....

    Brownies are my FAVORITE!! Mine always burn on the bottom in this oven, so I stopped making them...thank goodness!!



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