Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Love Package

My youngest son came into the kitchen on his scooter, and innocently asked,

"Mommy, did you order a package?"

I said "No, sweety. No packages."

He asked again, "Mommy, didn´t you order a package?"

Not understanding why he was asking again, I replied the same, "No, Michael, I haven´t ordered any packages."

Making your home sing MondaysThen he gave me a huge hug and said, " Yes, you did, Mommy. This is your package." (his hug)

I immediately understood and told him,

"Aww, Michael, that´s a love package! I love it!"

This was my Mommy moment, and it made my heart and my home sing.


  1. How incredibly sweet!!!

    I love how your boys randomly give you things! What sweet boys you have, Dani.

  2. Thats the sweetest thing I've heard this morning,,

    you must have a smile that wont go away right now,,

  3. OH! How sweet. What a LOVELY package that you didn't even have to order. Kids give the best gifts, don't they?

  4. What a sweet boy you have! I remember those days when the boys said and did the cutest things.

    Enjoy your love package today, mama, and thanks for linking up!

  5. "Love package" is awesome...that is fantastic. What a terrific gift you received!

  6. How sweet of him!!!
    I love those moments =D


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