Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Diez Cosas!

How is your Spanish?

What does "diez cosas" mean?


it means...


Now you know some Spanish and can come on out to Spain to help hand out gospel tracks. Even if you don´t know that much Spanish, you can be used to hand out a gospel track in Spain.

Well, the reason for the "diez cosas" is that Pilar passed this really special award on to me with the condition to share 10 things and pass it on to 10 more awesome girls. Isn´t it such a cute award?


1. For those of you who don´t know me too well, or are new to my blog, I have been in Spain as a missionary for almost 10 years.

2. I had my second and third sons in Spanish hospitals when I could hardly speak the language.

3. I gained almost 60 pounds with my first pregnancy while on deputation visiting churches all over the U. S. A. It really took a toll on my body.

4. As a result of three pregnancies, one right after the other and genetics, I had to have a prothesis bone put in each of my ears. I had what is called otosclerosis. WHO KNEW?

5. Did I mention all that extra weight I gained! ( I ask my hubby all the time how I ever let myself get like that.)

about to burst, prego with my first son, Jan. 1999

6. I called my prego "bump" my Wilson and Spalding.

7. I am not proud of this. It was a result of a lot of travel and lots of eating out due to the traveling. However, this last furlough, (a break missionaries take to visit churches) I did not gain any weight at all. I praise the Lord for this.

8. I started a fitness journey this past January. (even though I have always been into fitness, it hasn´t always been into me. )

9. Yes, I know most of these things have been about weight, but that´s not the only thing I am about. First and formost, I love the Lord Jesus and want to serve Him with all my heart. I want to be healthy and be the best I can be for Him and my family.

10. This week I am one pound closer to my goal. I have dropped 30 pounds so far since January 2009.

I got to thinking, "Wow, that´s like three bags of potatoes!"

Where did it go?

I am so jumping happy and feel so healthy!

Praising the Lord for His strength and power.

*** It´s so late. You will have to forgive me for not posting 10 more awesome girls. If you are reading this, and want to join in, please share this cute award with me. Take it as your own. You are awesome in God´s eyes! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! ***


  1. Dani, that is amazing!

    Ten years being a faithful servant in Spain. God bless each of you for your loving, giving hearts!


  2. Congratulations!!!! What an amazing job you have done! I enjoyed reading all about your journey. You are definitely an inspiration my friend!

    Oh...and thank you for the Spanish lesson ;)

  3. You're very brave to post a pregnancy picture. I've not yet been that brave. I too gained tons of weight while pregnant. I just can't believe you lost 30 pounds. That's super unbelievably awesome! Congrats. You should do before and after...pregnancy and now. That would be cool.

  4. Well, Fringe Girl, I really never wanted to post this aweful picture, but I decided to go for sensationalism with it.

    Actually, from this picture, and from that date I would have lost over 70 lbs. in a span of 10 years. Does that count?

  5. Wow look at that photo, I on´t think you ever showed it to me before!

    Well girl, who cares the pounts, you had a healthy baby and now you are skinny again :)

    Thanks for joining!

  6. You are brave...
    I would never do that,,
    congrats on losing,& doing Gods will...

  7. Thank you for spreading the Good News in Spain. And for loving the people God brings your way.

    Love the prego pic. Yes, you may have 60 extra pounds but you are glowing. Glowing with your first pregnancy, first son! fyi: i gained 40 lbs with my first. yuck!

  8. Good for you! You have come so far & you look awesome! 3 bags of potatoes - WOW.

    Just yesterday I was carrying my daughter, Avery up the stairs. She weighs 23 lbs, and do to my little injury she felt heavier. I thought to myself "How on earth did I used to carry more weight than this on my body?" Funny how things change!

  9. I'm sorry, but I can't get past that photo!!

    Oh my gosh...you weren't even the same person! My kids are in awe too! They keep saying, "Mom, go back show us what she looks like now again!..(your picture in pink).

    I'm telling you....that picture is something else!

    Praise the Lord!!! for a healthy lifestyle and exercise!

    (btw...I haven't weighed or measured at the gym in two months cause I was afraid too...well today they hunted me down and forced me to weigh and measure...well, I'd lost another kilo and cent. in almost all areas!...I'm pleasantly shocked!)

    I love you...that picture is CRAZY!!


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