Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Candles in Clay Pots

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." 2 Corinthians 4:7

We are these earthen, clay pots, through which the Light of Jesus shines on the mission field of Gijón, Spain.

The Contreras Family
Joseph, Danielle
Isaiah, Michael and Andrew

Our Field of Service - Gijón, Spain

Spain is the least reached Spanish-speaking country in the world, and among the least reached countries in Europe. You will recall how Spain stiffly resisted Bible preaching in the 16th century when the Inquisition sent many true believers to the stake. Since that time there has always been a particular hardness toward the Gospel among Spaniards. In the region of Spain where we work, Asturias, considered a cemetery for missionaries in Spain, there are just under 2 million people. In its capital city, Oviedo (210,000) there is one independent Baptist church. In the largest city of Asturias, Gijón (280,000), we are starting the second independent Baptist church-planting work in all of Asturias. We are excited to be preaching the Gospel in this needy country, and look forward to seeing how God will bless this step of faith.

Below is a quick video of our city.
Gijón is the northern most port city in Spain.

The people are all around us in need of a Savior, but they don´t even know of their own heart´s need. They wander through the streets and shops thinking they have every necessity met, except for the greatest need of all, Salvation from sin and Hell.

You can read more about our family and our ministry at
www. Gospel 2 Gijon . com

May our candles burn brightly so that the Light of the Gospel may be taken to each and every soul!

You can help those around the world shine for Christ more effectively. Moms, Ministry and More has started a blog event to help missionaries in many parts of the World. You may even receive an awesome cultural item from one of the many countries represented in this event.

Check out at Moms Ministry and More what is being donated from our corner. It is very unique to Gijón and you pronounce it "oreo". Now aren´t you curious?

Thank you for your interest in world wide missions. This give away should not take the place of your church missions giving. This is over and beyond what you would normally give to your church missions. If you choose to donate.

Thank- you! May God richly bless you!

***All Candle in the Corner funds alloted to our ministry will go to helping a young Mexican missionary family who just came to Asturias, Spain this year. They are under supported and in great need of just every day items. ***


  1. Dani Joy, this is so informative, thank you. I am praying for Spain right now and for this young family from Mexico. Praise the Lord they are there! More clay pots to demonstrate His glory!! May God use us to keep the candles burning.

  2. Awesome! Thanks for posting! Love that you show what your proceeds are going toward! Enjoy your blog!!!

  3. Hi Dani! Thank you for sharing! I always wondered how it would be to be a missionary family!

  4. only 3 days!!! Come on over-haha!!!
    So excited to see this missions journey progress! John watched a football game live the other day!!

  5. Nice to "meet" you Dani Joy and hear a bit more about your work in Spain. Truly, you are carrying God's light to a needy people. I join my heart with many others who are praying specifically for your family today as you seek fulfill God's calling upon your lives.


  6. Hi Dani! I'd forgotten about the Inquisition and had never stopped to think about how that would affect people today. Wow.

    So glad to see you in the spotlight like this! I looove the Candle idea! LOVE it!! =]

    Hugs! and prayers!

  7. What a beautiful post! I really like it Dani thank you for sharing this with us, I am praying... Blessings and a hug from a fellow MM

  8. Is the background music in the video typical of your area of Spain or just Spain in general? I like it. Sounds kind of celtic.

    Our neighbor just spent a couple months visiting family in Spain. She goes every few years. And my Spanish tutor (who is from Argentina where we live now) spent 12 years in Spain. Our mission has missionaries in SANT CUGAT. And I'd love to visit there myself one of these days :-)

    I'm really enjoying getting to read more about the missionaries participating in the Candle in the Corner event! Love getting to know missionaries and hear about what God is doing in other places!

    Have a great week!

  9. Great start to our mission spotlights! I really can picture the need- and can certainly pray more effectively! I love this tour of the world we are on!

  10. This event is so fun! I'm loving it! Not only seeing the items but hearing and reading about everyone involved!

  11. God bless you and your family in your wonderful ministry! Candle in the Corner is such an amazing idea :o) And I am blessed to have the opportunity to have a small part in all these wonderful ministries.

    Thank you again for all that you do!

    Blessings & aloha!

  12. Hi Dani!

    It is so fun to stop by your page and to get to know you a bit! What an amazing ministry God has called you to! I stopped by earlier, but we've had terrible internet problems since being away on a visa trip and the connection has a hard time switching from page to page without disconnecting, which has made commenting difficult. Anyway, I am so looking forward to checking out more of your blog when we get back home! Thanks for stopping by my blogs too! God bless your family and work!


Love to hear encouraging comments that uplift Christ and boost our daily walk with Him! Thanks for taking the time to comment! I read everyone of them and try to always respond at your blog, too.