Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Mommy, Happy Home

They say "When Mama ain´t happy, ain´t nobody happy." Bad English ,but how many of you have experianced this? We as moms have a great responsibility. Don´t we?

Well, I am realizing more and more how my attitude and perspective affect my crew. Praying to be more possitive for them and to help them over come the complaining spirit that tends to destroy our good intentions. 

Last night after church, we got to go out for a lovely bike ride. Of course, as always, there was some drama. Our second son´s bike is too small for him and was having technical difficulties. I struggled keeping patient with the small interuptions that this bike posed for us, and having to stop more often than we wanted. We got them fixed, though, and had one of the best rides yet, biking for almost 2 hours together.

Here are some of our pictures.

The bike trails go by so many pasture lands and rivers. It´s like riding in a story book!

So Mommy was happy and we were all happy!

*** I am also  joining Nan on her Making Your Home Sing meme.***
She is hosting a summer cleaning frenzy. I plan to clean a room a week, so the house is clean for the new school year. I will start with the boys room this week.  Here is what I plan to do this week.
- organize toys ( throw junk, give away toys they have outgrown)
-clean closets (sort clothes and give away clothes they have outgrown)
-clean behind and under beds
X - clean and organize book shelves
X - scrub the ceiling where there seems to be growing some mold. uhhhggg
X -scrub the windows inside and out

Plus, I must record and average grades this week!
Ok it´s posted, Nan. Now I am accountable.

Let´s pray for each other. Is there an area in you home that needs a cleaning frenzy? Join us. We will encourage you and pray for you too. 

Staying happy, singing praises to Jesus,


  1. Great photos Dani! And yes it's true...our attitudes as Mom's greatly affects our family...thanks for the reminder!

  2. Ah it would be so nice and so much fun to have a safe place to ride! I would love to do this again. Our town has some bike trails but they are right on the street and there really isn't a side on the roadway! The drivers around here are not always the best either. One of my friends was in a bad accident riding her bike (years ago) and her son who was on the back in a child carrier was killed. But if I had a nice place like that!!! WOW.

  3. What a great place to ride bikes! :D I'm hoping to get some stuff cleaned out of my son's dresser this week and also do grading. :D

  4. Looks like you had fun! I remember riding bikes as a family around our neighborhood!

    Glad you're joining in the frenzy. I can't clean as much as I planned to, but I can do things that don't require bending or twisting. So I am still looking forward to getting things sparkling around here!

    Thanks for linking up today.

  5. Fantastic pics! Looks like so much fun to ride with the family!!

    I'm here encouraging you to clean one room a week....if I did that t would take me....about...hmmmm....ALL SUMMER! This house has TOO many rooms! can do it..even with a baby in the house...I know you can!

    Hope the 5K is a lot of fun!

    Have a great week my friend!

  6. Great photos Dani! What a fun time.
    Yea, Mom's spirit tends to carry the home.
    Glad you had such a great time!!

  7. Looks like a fantastic bike trail. Such fun! Enjoy your cleaning. ;-)


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