Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Recap 2 ( Don´t want it to be over!)

Christmas is not over in my heart. I am still savoring our wonderful fellowship and time of family fun! True, we have had to get back to school and the schedule but I feel like a little girl. I Don´t want it to be over! Well, ok I guess it doesn´t matter what I want. Isn´t that what I have been trying to teach my boys. We just need to go on.
Here are some of my memories...

Rosa and Edith (faithful sisters from Bolivia) stayed with us through the whole holiday.

New Years dinner.
(Starting on the left:Anna, Amos, Joseph, Anna and Cesar Delgado, Victor y Yoli, Agustina and Jose Manuel.)

New Year´s Day Excursion

Our 12th Anniversary get way to Llanes
Forever in Love!


  1. Love the pictures...belated happy anniversary!

  2. Hi There, I looked at your anniversary card. Awww. It was so sweet. I love the old song. Congratulations on 12 years. I think it is so great what you and your husband are doing for the Lord there. Blessings ~ Cathryn

  3. Thanks ladies for the encouragement. It was a joy to see you had visited.


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