Friday, May 17, 2013

An Excellent Spirit is Blessed!

This has been our verse for the sixth week in the Stressed Less Living  Bible study.  It has been filling me all week.  

What does it mean to seek God´s Kingdom? 

I have many likes and interests. I have even started a new network marketing business. My family and I are involved in many projects. 

Which of these that I am doing is truly seeking God´s Kingdom?

Truly, the answer has been befuddling me, almost mocking me. Is it that I should give up my interests, my new little business or even some of our projects we are so involved in the ministry? 

Last night´s message by my dear hubby, answered my questions. He preached on Daniel chapter six. You know, the chapter when King Darius makes Daniel ruler or president over all his other rulers. 

Daniel was chosen because he had an "excellent spirit", the Bible says. 

What was this "excellent spirit". 

Yes, of course, it was his belief in the ONE and ONLY true God!

Did Daniel turn down this incredible position so he could seek God´s kingdom? 


Instead, he used all his knowledge and his faith and trust in God to do even more for King Darius.  

First, Daniel had a good relationship with God. We must trust Christ as our Savior and grow to know Him more.

Secondly, He decided early on to have integrity in all he did. We must not do things half - hearted nor slip shoddy. 

Then and only then did he obtain a good name! 

If in everything we do, we must seek to please Jesus first, all the rest will come. We will be blessed. 

Have a stressed less day serving Jesus!


  1. Great post! So true!

    Melissa S OBS Group Leader

  2. Amen! Do all things as if you are serving God. Thanks for another thoughtful post!

  3. Great post! And, I love that you got your answer through your hubby's sermon. That's really special.


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