Yes, I dare ask.
What is the best you have ever felt? Have you ever reached that place, and then for what seems like forever, can´t get back? Is it even possible to get there again? What is your peak?
Do you have that picture in your mind? Now, I am not talking about a picture of a model. No, I am talking about your best. When did you feel your best? You can get there. You can achieve this goal. You don´t have to believe the lie from Satan that you will always be this way.
It starts with prayer. A desire to change.
Surround yourself with support.
And get moving.

I have started a challenge over at
Peak 313 to get ready for my own
Christmas Crunch Challenge. That´s right, I am doing two challenges at the same time. They promote the same thing! You get double the support, double the fun, and double the prizes!
Here is what my workouts will look like this week. (even though I got sick on Monday and Tuesday)
Monday - Mike Chang´s Chest and shoulder workout 6 sets of 10 bench press with 10lbs, no rest between and 10 squats with the dumbbells on shoulder. Only resting 15 seconds between super sets.
V-cut Abs and Butt workout - 10 one leg dead lifts with 10 sec. hold at end of set / 10 lung hops each leg - Repeat 10 times. 30 min. workout.
Tuesday - warm up and then Mike Chang´s cardio work out 1 minute rounds -15 minutes. More cardio, marching, jumping rope, twists etc. 10 min. / Mike Chang´s ab 5 minute ab workout and stretching. 30 minute workout
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday- Weights and super sets Legs/ and upper body / Mike Chang´s cardio / Cardio Ab workout
Friday - Run 5k
Saturday - Six Pack Abs DVD - 40 min.
Sunday - Rest
I am eating high protein, high fiber foods
, and cutting back on my portion sizes.
The challenge isn´t just to get and stay physically strong, it is about being strong internally too. We are all about being strong here, but it doesn´t amount to anything if you are not spiritually strong on the inside. We are memorizing a verse a week. Awesome!
Don´t forget to sign up for the Christmas Crunch Challenge. We start crunching on Monday!
Reaching for my peak, crunching it!