Friday, March 26, 2010

Caught in the Act!

Ok, I´ll explain even though to me the picture says it all.

This is my dear hubby at one of his favorite restaurants that my parents introduced to us. The ribs, buffalo wings, and sauces are incredible.

We found this one on accident driving to a doctor´s office in TX on our furlough 2008, but Famous Daves actually originated in Minnesota. We were so excited to see the chain in Texas that we did a u-turn and had lunch!

So, I share one of my hubby´s favorite flashbacks at his request today, as he down with bronchitis. Poor baby!


  1. the picture! He looks like he got caught red handed!

    I hope your hubby feels better soon!

  2. BBQ....One of my favorites!!

    We had a BB dinner this week...pullled pork BBQ sandwiches with potato salad and beans.....

    Almost as good...but what makes restaurants better is that I don't have to cook or clean!!

    Great Flashback! Happy Weekend my friend!

  3. We loved Famous Daves when we lived in TX too! Just looking at this picture makes my mouth water. YUM!

    Great picture of you husband...hope he gets to feeling better very quickly.

  4. What a great pic! Gotta love BBQ! Love the look on his face. I hope he feels better soon!

  5. We have a Famous Dave's here. Yummy

  6. haha! What a perfect photo! Hope your hubby is feeling better!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (I have been out of town so am just now catching up on blog reading! Yay for a mid week day off! have to catch up on housecleaning and drawing orders too...If you get a chance, do come by :o)


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